sorry media, i'm not an etiquette/social watch dog, just a huge fan of public transport. and i would realli enjoy having a gracious bus/mrt ride once in a while. this is juz a hobby, i dun bounce off the walls when i see irresponsible public commuters or disgusting singaporeans. i can be reached at for more information, please DO NOT add me on msn or friendster.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

lame leh!

i really have no idea how these kids can
sit on the floor o' so comfortably
when the train is so friggin packed

u mean it doesn't come to their mind that
their big bodies and huge bags are taking up a lot of standing space?

RIGHT end = packed like siao

LEFT end = packed like siao


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Ivan Chew said...

Hope students can be more aware of the inconvenience they are causing. Maybe they feel that they are using just about the same space if they were to stand. But it's harder for others as we have to be careful not to step on them. End up giving them more space! But in fairness, maybe once we tell them nicely, they would stand up... :)


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