more public commuters
this is wat i call the "pole-dancer"
they like to grind their ass along the pole
lean against it like their lovers
this cute lil boy entertains himself sitting on the floor
playing wit his imaginary artillery (left/right hand)
shooting each other and exploding
quite cute
the opportunity cost of putting ur stupid plastic bag on the seat
is the comfort of another tired public transport commuter
selfish pig! pui!
on the left, these two malay boys were blasting reggae on their handphone
i tot it was quite funky cos i personally enjoys it
then this encik wit a songkok boarded and stared at em
they immediately plugged and shared the earphones
i think malays are quite funny
my frens will pretend to act guai or decent
when maciks wearing tudongs walk pass
its not realli about being rebellious
guess they're juz plain playful
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