sorry media, i'm not an etiquette/social watch dog, just a huge fan of public transport. and i would realli enjoy having a gracious bus/mrt ride once in a while. this is juz a hobby, i dun bounce off the walls when i see irresponsible public commuters or disgusting singaporeans. i can be reached at for more information, please DO NOT add me on msn or friendster.

Monday, December 04, 2006

and for today...

when the dustbin is just 5 steps away..

these buggers have to leave their trash on the seats
how lazy are these people?
but i'm glad tampines is cleaner than woodlands 10000 times

suspicious object at the bus stop!!!!

here's another.. is that a bomb?
actually its better than those trash hanging loosely with rancid juice oozing out of it
maybe there's a orange plastic bag littering organisation
syndicate.. they call it

hey man.. no smoking at the bus stop
and ur cheap cigarettes stinks like hell

you are a bad boy..
no christmas presents for bad kids!


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