i finally went to read the xiaxue VS dasmond koh thingy
kao-- xiaxue call our honourable Mr. Cai - fat pock-marked bespectacled man who knows nothing yet talks about everything
ok, but its quite funny.
but seriously, his questions were too offensive
xiaxue is, however, a girl
she simply blogs and they invite her to a show to attack her
and perhaps being an old fashion male with a huge ego, dignity and pride
i do not like people talking to me
with a finger pointed at me
i get pissed with that
i ever got into a disciplinary case in secondary school
because of someone spoke to me in that manner
which i will not disclose
(yes, i'm a disgusting people)
dasmond koh was one of my favourite DJ
and i admit now i still quite like to see him on TV
why can't he be a man
xiaxue already apologized
come on, you can do it!
forgive her.
i still support you!
steven lim is simply hopeless
i do have him on my MSN messenger
cos he's a youtuber as well
once in a while, he'll PM me
"please watch this video, comment and rate 5-star"
and seriously, some of his videos are really entertaining
especially when he's engrossed in his own world and feeling angry
and when he scolds his camera person or house-mates in a rather rude manner
(kinda like Daxflame)
if i laugh, i give a 5-star, no questions
recently he even got a pretty cool bike
what is so hopeless about him, then?
his passion and enthusiasm
the way he talks is so full of energy
it scares the shit out of me
(kinda like Gai Might in Naruto)
cos normal people do not behave like that
eccentric, thats wat it is
Maia Lee, i supported her during Singapore Idol
cos she's kinda hot, cute and independent
and i've seen her in person in Tampines
but seriously.. just shut up
the comments left on Dasmond's blog is so
1. un-cool
2. un-girl-power
3. un-clever
(please comment about my poor command of engrish)
Xiaxue, i wouldn't say she's the victim in this incident
or rather i don't really care who's right or wrong
but she's after all a girl, a young girl
give her some face on national TV even if its for effects and viewership
imagine it were your daughter
i may sound a little bias
but hey, i dun really like reading her blog
cos during my occasional visit, its always about food and this ang mo guy
and i'm not that intellectual and patient enough to read lengthy paragraphs
my interest lies in disgusting public commuters
not disgusting bloggers
after this incident
i was rather glad that i didn't turn up for the
Channel News Asia talk show invitation
to talk about Disgustingpeople.blogspot.com
cos if i were to kena shoot like that
i cannot guarantee i'll handle the situation in a civilised manner
i may walk out of the studio
Shoot3 is a nice show
and i find it rather entertaining
Dasmond Koh and Quan Yi Feng talks clever
and the topics are usually interesting
but seriously, the accusation tone is too harsh
taiwanese programmes do it cleverly
we have a lot to learn
War is over, if you want it!
Hi there! Just happen to pass by your site... Anyways, simply wanted to say thanks. And wrt the XX vs Dasmond Koh issue, there's a lot of stuff happening without you guys knowing. But It's over ya, no point bringing it up.
Have fun blogging :)
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