sorry media, i'm not an etiquette/social watch dog, just a huge fan of public transport. and i would realli enjoy having a gracious bus/mrt ride once in a while. this is juz a hobby, i dun bounce off the walls when i see irresponsible public commuters or disgusting singaporeans. i can be reached at for more information, please DO NOT add me on msn or friendster.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

contribution by Responsible Citzen - Phoebe

she was like sticking her leg up while the a SUPERnice teacher was having public speaking lect

MING: actually i do notice a lot of people sitting like this
have you seen those old chinese ah peh but their legs on the seats opposite them
at the front seats where they have these seats facing one another
and the bus was super crowded then.
i have a wrestler story to tell..


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