hey people, sorry for not having the time to blog for a long time,.However, during this period of time i have not stop taking photos of the unethical acts of our fellow Singaporeans. So, these are the updates :)
Hair found within the food of a chinese restaurant isnt the first time, BUT this time it isn't just anyone's regular stray hair.
This was found at just one of the regular bus stops, and i'm thinking if i so happen to just see this once. How many such similar litter will there be around this small island of ours. Not forgetting that they not only attract insects but help in feeding the entire pest population.
The moment she stepped onto the bus, she approached a guy seating near to the door and actually asked him to get up so that she could actually land her butt on it.
Hoe ridiculous can be people be these days...
alrights, that's all for now.seeya :)