sorry media, i'm not an etiquette/social watch dog, just a huge fan of public transport. and i would realli enjoy having a gracious bus/mrt ride once in a while. this is juz a hobby, i dun bounce off the walls when i see irresponsible public commuters or disgusting singaporeans. i can be reached at for more information, please DO NOT add me on msn or friendster.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


He was asking permission from mummy to play in the train...
Seems like mummy didn't object to it...
and here he begins his fun by swinging and climbing up the pole, when you start to wonder how he actually got all this energy... He runs back to his comfort zone and they simply pretend nothing had happend. How responsible can kids be these days with such parents?

How safe do you think this cup of water is?

When you realised that it was actually being stacked for how many days before you drank it.

and when you were about to think that this man was going to alight, he simply refuses to make way even when passengers were flooding in.

hello yellow man in shorts! Don't you get the point that you don't own the train?

when you thought those were bad behaviours, let's talk abt professionalism in the kitchen. when you still see chicken feather screaming out to you!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dear Ming,

Hi, I am part of the responsible citizens of I am also known by Monchhichi for a matter of fact.

I have a really disgusting photo to share with you. Just a few days back, i was at the lavenda IC building(duno the exact name.. is it ICA building?).. yeah.. that was because my father's wallet was being stolen whilst he performed his magic show at the Singapore Food Festival recently so he had to replace his IC. And on this really UNFORTUNATE day, i chanced upon this guy(as seen in the photo).. it was just so unsightly to look at! showing off his "ah ma" or should i say "grandpops" white underwear to the people waiting for their queue numbers. Some things are better left under their clothes, or rather under his PANTS! it was not only a slight peek of the white patch but it was almost HALF OF IT (seems too convincing that it can be part of the pants)... so its really disgusting can. so this is to warn others(cause i understand that now is the hipster fashion and low waist thing that seems cool) BUT PLEASE, i mean really PLEASE wear something more decent if you really intent to "show-off"...

as i look at the unpleasant picture once more, i just think is hilarous and terrifying at the same time!

thats all from me.

love and share the joy of friendship,

Wednesday, June 04, 2008